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My goal is simple, to help you get bigger and stronger. Period. With over 14 years of lifting under my belt I have learned what works and what does not. We want to help you choose the right program and guide you as you carry it out. With the BLEST coaching team by your side you will avoid the gimmicks and get right into the gains! 


BLEST utilizes online means to coach athletes who are looking to take their training to the next level. If you are tired of being stuck at the same numbers in the gym or want to make sure you are training in an optimal manner then BLEST is the right choice for you.






I have been lifting weights for half of my life and have managed to rise to the national level in powerlifting. During that time I have tried almost every type of program there is and I have learned there is no easy way to get bigger and stronger; it all comes down to cosistent hard work. However, I have also learned that there are ways to spin you wheels without making progress and that is where having a guide who know the right path is so important. BLEST exists to help all people find the program that is right for their experience level so they can progress as far and as fast as possible.




What Training Can Accomplish
How to Have a Lifetime of Gains 
Optimal DUP Programming
About Us

Personal message from Garrett Blevins: I have always wanted to help others get stronger. This site is devoted to that purpose as I seek to aid others in their strength journey. No person can walk this road alone and it is my goal to help my clients achieve the goals they have while avoiding the mistakes I made in my own career. Learning from experience is great, but learning from other's experience is even better! Blessings. 

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